News Hub kiosk - Chrome Web Store
Tuotteen logokuva: News Hub kiosk

News Hub kiosk

4 arvostelua

LaajennusUutiset ja sää240 käyttäjää
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (2)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (3)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (1)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (2)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (3)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (1)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (2)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (1)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (2)
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (3)


Google News, Google Play Newsstand and BuzzFeed. News aggregator for every country. Weather forecast for Chrome. MSN News.

★★★★★ Stay updated with the latest News 📰 with this extension. Google News give you a summary updated to the minute of the most recent news in your country 🌍 Buzzfeed on the other side will give you the most trending 🔥 news and hot topics for the day. As extra you will also have access to MSN News from Microsoft, available in over 10 languages 😵 This is the very best extension for your Browser 💻 FEATURES ★ Notifications 📣 let you stay updated with the latest news. ★ Google News provides the latest news for all over the world and available to many countries 🌍 ★ Buzzfeed is the Internet trending news source 🚨 ★ MSN is the very best Microsoft News service updated with local TV news from each country 📺 ✔ Small window well positioned for texting. ✔ Auto-Start when Browser starts. ✔ Configurations in a Options 🔧 section. ✔ Quickly see your profile and news feed. ✔ Very Low CPU/RAM/Bandwidth consumption 📌 PREMIUM FEATURES 💧 Theme - Skin Color 📰 Multi Window - Account 🚨 App Booster 🚨 ANDROID APP 📱 Also available as a Android App for Smarthphone/Tablet devices. Get it on Google Play: ———————————————————— ABOUT WWEVENTS ———————————————————— 💎 Building Apps and Extensions for Google Chrome and Android 🔥📣 ———————————————————— CHANGELOG & RELEASE NOTES ———————————————————— 📔 Available on the product page: ———————————————————— LEGAL ———————————————————— Google News™, Buzzfeed™ and™ MSN are a trademark of Google Inc., MSN Inc. and Buzzfeed Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. This is an independent project developed by WWevents and has no relationship to Google News™, Google Inc., MSN™, MSN Inc., Buzzfedd™ or Buzzfeed Inc. ———————————————————— PRIVACY POLICY & TERMS OF SERVICE ———————————————————— By installing this product you agree to our privacy policy & terms of service: ———————————————————— REQUIRED PERMISSIONS ———————————————————— You may consult the list of permissions and the reason why they are required on the product page: “notifications” – Used to send desktop notification. For example when a new message arrive or App is updated. “contextMenus” – Allow to add more settings when right click in the App icon in the browser toolbar and browser context menu. “storage” – Used to save settings on your local computer. “scripting” – Used to be able to insert JS or CSS on the required host/domains. “system.display” – Used to detect the display size and position the Extension window. “unlimitedStorage” – Storage is limited to 5MB of data that may not be enough to store all configs. “host_permissions” – Permission to access to some hosts/domains that we must modify in order to provide the desired functionality detailed in the functionality. It also allows that you can share content (links or text) from other pages directly to inside the App and send it as a SMS/Android message to a friend for example. Also used to allow intercommunication with other WWEvents Apps (i.e. Emojis). “activeTab” – Permission to access the window that the extension is running and is show to the user. “all_urls” – Permission required for users be able to take screenshots of the current window – captureVisibleTab. “declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess” - Used to get the mobile version of the websites. Only impact the Extension Window. “declarativeNetRequestFeedback” - Used to get the mobile version of the website by changing the User-Agent. ———————————————————— FINAL NOTES ———————————————————— This information is also available inside the App: Options -> About

4,8/54 arvostelua

Google ei vahvista arvosteluja. Lue lisää tuloksista ja arvosteluista.


  • Versio
  • Päivitetty
    30. toukokuuta 2024
  • Koko
  • Kielet
    54 kieltä
  • Kehittäjä
    Persiaran Sukan Shah Alam, Selangor 40100 MY
  • Muu kuin elinkeinonharjoittaja
    Kehittäjä ei ole tunnistautunut elinkeinonharjoittajaksi. Huomioitavaa kuluttajille Euroopan Unionin alueella: Kuluttajan oikeudet eivät päde sinun ja kehittäjän välisiin sopimuksiin.


Kehittäjä on ilmoittanut, ettei dataasi kerätä tai käytetä. Lue lisää kehittäjän tietosuojakäytännöstä.

Kehittäjän mukaan datasi on

  • ei myydä kolmansille osapuolille muissa kuin hyväksytyissä käyttötapauksissa
  • ei käytetä tai siirretä syystä, joka ei liity tuotteen ydintoimintoihin
  • ei käytetä tai siirretä luottokelpoisuuden toteamiseksi tai lainoja varten.


Jos sinulla on kysymyksiä, ehdotuksia tai ongelmia, avaa tämä sivu tietokoneen selaimella
