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New Tab Draft


1.2K ratings


83 support issues

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Tristan R.

Dec 24, 2024

I forgot my password

I accidentally locked one of my notes and apparently I've already set up a password in the past, which I unfortunately don't remember. Is there any way I can access my note without knowing the password?

Jason Parker

Aug 11, 2023

Lost everything!

Hi. My PC updated and know everything is lost in my New Tab Drafts! How can I get them back?


Aug 8, 2023

How to configure New Tab Draft to stop saving empty backups?

I want to configure New Tab Draft to stop making a backup if the draft is currently empty. I do not need empty files to clog my hard drive and make it hard to find logs that actually contain information I wish to revisit.

However, I haven't seen anything related in the settings. Is this something the add-on cannot handle?

Stéphanie L

Jan 20, 2023

Tab flashes white every time I do anything with other tabs.

Hey there! First off, I love this extension, it's been really useful. I do have one complaint though.

I usually have multiple Chrome windows open on multiple screens, and within those windows, multiple tabs. And whenever the New Tab Draft is visible, every time I switch ANY tab within Chrome (on any window that I have open), the New Tab Draft will flash white for just a short moment. It's still distracting though. This also happens when I change from a tab to the New Tab Draft, and it happens in dark and light mode (just less noticable in light mode).

Is there a way I or you can fix this?

yassine el arraj

Oct 27, 2022

Import Backup

Hello, I did an export for a backup but when I m trying to import it nothing happened. is it a bug and how can I open my data backup that I exported. Thanks for your support

Jakob Possert-Bienzle

May 20, 2022

1) New Note 2) Chrome Global Shortcut 3) Donation request less invasive

Great work, team! Some features that I need to fully use it: 1a) It would be great to have a hotkey for that (like for blur) 1b) and it would be great if that were the default to open a new tab and have a new note (with the sidebar staying out or in sight as it is right now). 2) A chrome shortcut that is global, meaning not just working within chrome. This would eliminate need for sticky notes... 3) Finally, it is a little bit invasive that the first Tab from the address bar goes to the paypal account... Happy to donate if my feature requests are implemented though ;)

Stefan Bauer

Mar 8, 2022

Alles Weg

Nach dem restart meines PC sind alle meine Aufschriebe verschwunden, Daten wie Account -namen, Passwörter und wichtige Dinge. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit diese wieder herzustellen?!? Sowas ist mir noch nie vorgekommen mit dieser App, jedesmal wurden mir meine Aufschriebe, nach dem Neustarten angezeigt, aber nun ist nichts da...
Ich bitte so schnell wie möglich um Hilfe.

Mfg Stefan Bauer

John Asbury

Jan 28, 2022

All my notes are gone!

I just restarted my computer and now all my notes are gone!

I can see that there's a backup option, but does this need to be done manually? As in if I've not taken a backup previously, have I just lost all my notes?

I have become way too reliant on this extension so I really REALLY hope there's a way to recover them.

Quality Assurance TL

Nov 12, 2021

Text formatting capabilities

I would live to have some formatting on the texts if possible. Simple things like bold, italics, strikethrough, bullets, etc. Just a suggestion.

Raúl E. Taveras Franco

Jul 4, 2021

Scaling when at different window sizes

Hello! I really love New Tab Draft and use it multiple times every day, in different computers. One inconvenience I have experienced, especially when using it to take notes in online classes before transferring them to a more permanent system, is that when I scale the window (say, putting it on one half of the screen and having the class on the other half), the UI doesn't scale with the window, and so large swathes of the text I'm writing are not visible. Right now that would be the only suggestion for an otherwise excellent app. Thank you!

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