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Craig Finlayson

Feb 23, 2021

Cloud colours

I have this plugin as trial. I can't seem to get it to work though. I have tried Maroon as a test in one of our statuses:
1. Tried to update description field with (Maroon) - didn't work
2. Tried to update description field with #800000 - didn't work
3. Tried to update description field with 800000 - didn't work

The video and gifs make this confusing. I am using cloud version. Our site is https://gemsystemsuk.atlassian.net/ if this helps

A Chrome Web Store user

Dec 11, 2018

NewColors doenst affect BigPicture PLugin Status colors

We are using the NewColors plugin to set different colors for our Issue Status workflow categories. We would like BigPicture to use these colors for the issue status instead of BigPictures default. See the Newcolors screenshot below

It seems Bigpicture doesn't even use our project default colors shown in the JIRA default workflow screenshot below.

Bigpicture uses Blue for ToDo, Yellow for InProgress and Green for Done. See below

The JIRA team looked into it and said that BigPicture uses an Iframe so the html tags that NewColors uses can't affect the BigPicture screen.

Is there some way for BigPicture Iframe to pick up your html re-mappings?

I can send you screen shots.

Rex Pugh

Google apps