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The search engine to improve your productivity - GoSearch


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EkstensiAlur Kerja & Perencanaan1.000 pengguna
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The premium internet search engine to use the OffiDocs productivity platform free of charge

This extension sets your search engine to GoSearch so you can improve your productivity with every internet search. Get GoSearch, the premium search engine designed and integrated with multiple collaboration tools. By setting your search engine to GoSearch, you’ll gain a powerful partner in boosting your efficiency. Simply register your email address with the extension, and you will have free access access to the entire suite of OffiDocs productivity tools. With GoSearch, you’ll have free access to a wide array of tools, including: ● Office Editors: Create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations effortlessly. ● Android Emulators: Run Android apps directly from your browser. ● Image and Audio Editors: Edit media files with ease. ● Linux Online Workstations: Utilize powerful Linux-based tools online. ● Disk Space: Enjoy up to 10GB of free storage. Once you’ve installed the GoSearch extension, direct links to these tools will appear with every search you make streamlining your workflow. Start using GoSearch today and discover how your productivity can be enhanced. Installation Steps: 1. Add to Chrome: Click "Add to Chrome" and confirm your selection. 2. Installation: Chrome will automatically download and install the extension. 3. Confirmation: After installation, a confirmation message will appear. 4. Access: Look for the GoSearch icon in your toolbar. 5. IMPORTANT: When prompted by Chrome to change your search engine settings, select "Keep it" to begin using GoSearch immediately. Whether you're conducting in-depth research, gathering information, or simply searching over the internet, GoSearch serves as your reliable partner for efficient web navigation. Try GoSearch today and experience an unparalleled level of productivity. Privacy Protection: At GoSearch, your privacy is our priority. We don’t create profiles based on your activities, never sell your data to advertisers, and ensure all searches are SSL-encrypted. Our goal is to enhance your productivity, not compromise your data.

4,1 dari 510 rating

Google tidak memverifikasi ulasan. Pelajari lebih lanjut hasil dan ulasan.


  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    13 Agustus 2024
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    18 bahasa
  • Developer
    Av. Dr. Arce 43 Madrid 28002 Spain
    Situs Web
  • Non-pedagang
    Developer ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang. Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.


Developer telah mengungkapkan bahwa item tidak akan mengumpulkan atau menggunakan data Anda. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, lihat kebijakan privasi developer.

Developer ini menyatakan bahwa data Anda

  • Tidak dijual ke pihak ketiga, di luar kasus penggunaan yang disetujui
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk tujuan yang tidak terkait dengan fungsi inti item
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk menentukan kelayakan kredit atau untuk tujuan pinjaman


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