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Smart Header

80 ratings

ExtensionDeveloper Tools7,000 users

8 support issues

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China Syndrome

Oct 15, 2019

Angular and Headers

when my angular site loads, when I click a button that calls and api the headers are not passed. Any suggestion?

Atsushi Ohno

Mar 7, 2019

Cannot modify 'Accept-Language' header on Chrome 72

After Chrome 72, following request haeders cannot be modified without specifying 'extraHeaders' in opt_extraInfoSpec that is a option of addListener() function:
* Accept-Language
* Accept-Encoding
* Referer
* Cookie

Could you fix it, please?

A Chrome Web Store user

Jul 28, 2017



xuan 880 (起名烦呀)

Jun 6, 2017



A Chrome Web Store user

Jul 29, 2016


Sync does not working. How can fix this?

Mr. Lance E Sloan

Jun 8, 2016

Regular expressions not supported

I wasted a lot of time getting regular expressions to work in the automatic rule I was creating. Although the "RegExp" testing tool under "Utils" showed that "^*" would work, the rule never activated. It turns out that the regular expression used by the rule would not accept "^" or ".*". In other words, it would be exactly the same as using the "includes" option for "".

gaxd vded

May 10, 2016


User-Agent JS Fixer :: Firefox 附加组件

Josias Montag

Apr 16, 2016

Badge Indicator

Please add an badge indicator on the "Smart Header" icon which shows how many custom headers are currently active.

By this you can see directly if you are currently manipulating headers. Prevents unexpected behaviour because you forgot to disable a custom header...

Thank you!

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