Logobild des Artikels für Shazify


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Videominiaturansicht des Artikels
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Elementmedien – 4-Screenshot


Easily sync your Shazam tracks with a Spotify playlist

(Shazify was previously named Shazam2Spotify) IMPORTANT: please note that due to changes planned for the Shazam website, this extension may stop working at any given time. Enjoy it while it lasts! ;-) More info : Easily sync your Shazam tracks with a Spotify playlist, in just a few clicks ! UPDATE: Shazam pushed a new update the 10th December 2014 with support for syncing your tracks to Spotify. You can find more information here : If it's available for you, you should use it instead of this extension. It will only works if you use the Shazam app for iOS or Android AND you have enabled sync in the settings. If these conditions are met, Shazam will sync your tags with their MyShazam service ( This extension will then parse the MyShazam website, get your tags, and add them to a new playlist created on your Spotify account. How it works : 1) Install the extension 2) Click on the new icon appeared on your Chrome toolbar 3) You will be asked to login on MyShazam and Spotify 4) A new playlist ("My Shazam Tags") will be created on your Spotify account 5) Your Shazam tags will be listed and automatically added to this playlist If a Shazam tag cannot be found on Spotify, you will have the possibility to change the search query for this track. When you want to update your Spotify playlist with new tags, simply click on the Shazify icon on Chrome toolbar. It will then search for new tags on Shazam and add them to Spotify. This is an open source project, feel free to contribute ! Shazify is not affiliated with Shazam Entertainment Limited. "Shazam" and its logo are trademarks and registered trademarks of Shazam Entertainment Limited. All other companies and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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Joel Brink16.07.2017

Es geht nicht das suchen von songs


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    26. November 2021
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