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NaviVoice: Voice Input Productivity Assistant

16 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning455 users

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margaret rosita hector

Apr 4, 2021


Hmm well itz Really Put Together for A chrome add on i will say hmm impressive and All That good stuff i Really do Like it. So very much Actually
i Love it how Ever just Like All Else it Aint Perfect it needs abit More Wθrk but Theres just Always gonna be RθθM For improvements infact being imperfect isnt really an good excuse/Reason as to why A person Shouldnt Try or Give their all out best with updates it gets even better much better each time aint A Thing Updates cant fix with as many postitve reviews as you has on this i can surely easily Tell youve put Alot in iT  which is Evident i Appreciate it very much not just me Every1 that Has ever used it we All knows it Although being imperfect it can still be Good enough which it clearly is and still getting better via updates ya know i had been searching for 1 Like it Awhile but Never Any Luck since 2017 up till 2020 Where i found something Finally good something Really good if Anything great. I wanna help you with some Added improvements such as media PLAY back Controll - page Controll etc shall we begin with prob most basic id so Like to BE Able to play Any music/videos i want Saying only >PLAY< something Like..whitney houstan or simply i Look Look Tθ Yu Also play Random Songs/Videos Example Play A whitney song /video<< where it searches Then (picks) A random song/video any song/ video with Y0uTUBE exactly Relevent to What i Asked for which is for A whitney houstand song/vid Doesnt matter what song/video as i Wasnt being specific at All in what song i wanted/was Looking for next up >[Stop/Pause]=The video/ This video<<->>> Stop video << Add.em all as Alternative commands (Playing-Videos-commands)=play The video//Play This video//continue This video//continue The video .unpause..simply  ->Continue<-(Playing video Videos at Any Mark)=Play Video at 10:28 etc iF said mark doesn't Exist nothing Shall happen Letting them knw it doesnt exist (Tab-Opening/Switching)=Select/Open/Switch-to->[Tab/page]-1/2/3 aka Tab/page number 123..EASier way-> (Switch-To/open/Select) the first-Second/third--Tab/Page Tab 1-2-3 <--etc surely tab number 1 can only = Left where A human would consider as first/Number one tab/page order/position (Closing/Exiting)= Exit/Close The first [page/Tab] Aka tab/page number 1-2-3 how About Exit/open Tab with Spoken Title for example open/exit the cartoon Network Tab if Theres more than 1 it shouldnt close Any but you can keep saying it Till it picks The right page (Auto-scrolling)=Auto Scroll up-down /Slide Down-up .  should go with any on Going Automated action (Reading-Mode)=Read-Aloud/read-This/Read·That /read page/Read This page/read The Page for me (Yoμ.TUBe-Video Searching)=video search birds</video Seard For Birds />YOuTUbe Search birds </YOuTUbe Search for birds </YouTube Video search:birds<YouTube video search for birds YT now has built voice Api take Advantage of it i can easily see disabled people Needing This extention perfect For old Too aswel as Google's api ofc


Sep 22, 2019

NaviVoice and microphone

Is it possible to use NaviVoice and still have the Google voice search microphone work when I click on it? When NaviVoice is enabled, the Google voice search microphone does not work when I click on it.

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