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Multiple Calendars Selector for Google Cal

25 ratings


10 support issues

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Amanda Oak

Feb 27, 2024

Presets not selecting the right calendars

I've got 10 different presets, all of which are set to select the correct calendars when I look at the presets page. However, for at least a week now, whenever I select a preset from the pinned extension menu, it selects ALL of the calendars. Clicking on any preset option only ever selects or deselects all of the calendars I've subscribed to

Ian Teves

Oct 29, 2023

Calendar Edit is not working anymore

When opening up Multiple Calendar Selector for Google Cal, the calendar options no longer shows. (the checklist markdown underneath the already created preset calendars.
It no longer shows up. How do I fix this?


Jan 30, 2023

the Extention is not working anymore

unfortunately, from al least a couple of weeks the extention is not working properly:
- google calendar page hides all the calendar list (if extention deactivated the webpage works correctly)
- the extention and the presets are not working

Please help us!! your extention is wery useful!!!!

Mesi Feher

Jan 30, 2023

Bug in calendar


Not sure if there was an update in the last 14 hours, however the extension causing the left hand side of the google calendar where all the calendars are disappear. If I turn the extension off, it is working fine. Would you be able to have a look at it, please?

I can send a photo too if needed, or a quick video to show the issue.

Many thanks,
Mesi Feher


Jan 30, 2023

New preset is not showing calendar name. I have 1.13 version

New preset is not showing any calendar.

Chris Duskin

Jan 30, 2023

No calendars listed on the Options page

On the Options page, I have 4 Presets that I've created, but I don't see my calendars listed for me to configure which calendar is assigned to which Preset. Is there anything specific I can try to allow me to assign appropriately?

Maria Irimie

Jan 30, 2023

keyboard shortcuts

Could you add the ability to set a keyboard shortcut to open this extension?

Tim Last

Aug 26, 2021

button not showing

Hi: I have installed your extension and it's potential looks wonderful. However, the popup says that the button will appear whenever the extension can act on the page. It never appears...? I open my GCal and it still does not appear. Is there something I need to do?

Jeff Calhoun

Mar 8, 2021

Brackets and/or parentheses in calendar names

I love the extension!

I am having problems getting it to display calendars with parentheses or square brackets in the calendar name. It will let me select them in a preset, but doesn't display them when the preset is chosen.



Jerry L

Dec 10, 2020

How Many Presets or Groups Can You Create?

Are there Only Two Presets Allowed?

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