Developers helper program to create and test MQTT connectivity protocol.
Supercharge your MQTT workflow with MQTTBox for Chrome! MQTTBox apps are also available for Linux, Mac, Web and Windows. Please check download link http://workswithweb.com/html/mqttbox/downloads.html MQTTBox features: 1. MQTT Clients -Connect to multiple mqtt brokers with TCP or Web Sockets -Connect with wide range of mqtt client connection settings -Publish/Subscribe to multiple topics -Supports Single Level(+) and Multilevel(#) subscription to topics -Copy/Republish payload -History of published/subscribed messages for each topic 2. MQTT Load -Load test your MQTT broker or MQTT devices -Load test both publish or subscribe to a topic by defining message publish/subscribe rate -Publish/Subscribe load with upto 6 instances simultaneously -Send upto 10 different payloads while publishing one after the other -View progress in real time on dashboard -View all load test data sent or received in separate window (Includes smart search) -View load test results in graphs. -Ability to change sampling rates while generating graphs Please report Feature Requests, Enhancements and Bugs to workswithweb@gmail.com Check source code on github. https://github.com/workswithweb/MQTTBox