Item logo image for AliHunter - AliExpress Dropship Spy (Zopi)

AliHunter - AliExpress Dropship Spy (Zopi)

399 ratings

ExtensionShopping200,000 users

26 support issues

For additional help, check out the developer's support site.

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Sep 9, 2024

¿Yo actualmente estoy con DSers, me pueden ustedes más detalles?

¿Yo actualmente estoy con DSers, me pueden ustedes más detalles? En realidad busco productos que sean de mucha demanda.
De tantas recomendaciones me han indicado que use Google, ¿lo pueden hacer mejor?
Además, me interesa poder hacer negocios con china, principalmente en productos de comer, tales cómo: Higos deshidratados, etc. Pueden ustedes sugerir si se pueden sugerir medios de transporte?

carlos ernesto sartori

Oct 23, 2023



Grant Okdie

Feb 20, 2023


This extension lies about the info given. I haven't even opened my shop yet and it stated I had three orders with a $49 profit. I checked shopify and no orders are displayed BECAUSE ITS NOT OPEN YET! Its gives false information, I've already filed a dispute because your service team will not reply and marked your extension as a scam.


Feb 8, 2023

Não consigo utilizar

Quando clico em cima da aba do alihunter, para verificar o tempo que cada produto já foi vendido, essa aba some, não conseguindo ter acesso as informações. Existe alguma configuração para parar de sumir a aba do alihunter?

Marius Rotzler

Feb 5, 2023

Video download isnt working

Its not possible to download videos of Aliexpress. Could you help me please?

Dina z

Feb 5, 2023

The extension is inactive

After I added the extension to my chrome, it shows like an inactive icon and it wouldn't work whenever I click on any picture on the web ,, How do I make it work?

حسين محمد

Oct 17, 2022

ازي انزال

ازي انزال

saroj sunar

Aug 19, 2022



Aashish Khadka

Jun 26, 2022

my account is hacked and its against community standers

my account is hacked and its really important to me recover my account as soon as possible

ام عبدالله

Jun 17, 2022

طريقة تثبيت برنامج ali hunter على جهازي

السلام عليكم انا ثبتت خاصية ali hunter على جهازي اللابتوب كيف طريقة استخدامه بالضبط عشان تطلع لي خاصية الحفظ في موقع علي اكسبرس وهل هو مجاني ؟

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