Monkey Mart for Chrome - Chrome Web Store
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Monkey Mart for Chrome

EstensioneGiochi327 utenti
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Juega a Monkey Mart for Chrome en Chrome. Creado para los fanáticos de Monkey Mart for Chrome.

Are you ready for a bananas-filled adventure? 🍌 Join the fun and excitement of Monkey Mart for Chrome, the ultimate idle/management game that you can play right on your browser! 🐵 Monkey Mart for Chrome is a game where you control a cute monkey character who is in charge of a supermarket. Plant fruits, harvest produce, and sell products to customers. You can also customize your monkey, upgrade your store, and unlock new items. 🛒 But be careful, because Monkey Mart for Chrome is not easy. You will need to balance your time, money, and resources, and deal with unexpected events. You will also need to compete with other monkeys who want to take over your business. 😱 Monkey Mart for Chrome is a game that will keep you entertained for hours, with its colorful graphics, catchy music, and addictive gameplay. You will feel the satisfaction of growing your business, earning profits, and becoming the best monkey manager in town. 🏅 Monkey Mart for Chrome is available as a Chrome extension and can be played offline as well. So, you can enjoy the game anytime, anywhere! 🌐 Download Monkey Mart for Chrome now and start your journey to become the king of the jungle! 🚀 Monkey Mart for Chrome - the ultimate idle/management game for Chrome. 🙌

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    20 dicembre 2023
  • Dimensioni
  • Lingue
    38 lingue
  • Sviluppatore
    Sito web
  • Non commerciante
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  • Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
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