Modo oscuro - Tema negro para Chrome - Chrome Web Store
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Modo oscuro - Tema negro para Chrome


5 calificaciones

ExtensiónHerramientas589 usuarios
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 1 del elemento multimedia
Captura de pantalla 2 del elemento multimedia

Descripción general

Haga clic en el icono para habilitar el modo oscuro para Chrome. Tema oscuro para todos los sitios web con un solo movimiento. Tema…

"Dark Mode for Chrome" is a browser extension (plugin) for Google Chrome, which is designed to change the color scheme of your browser and web pages to dark mode. This plug-in can be especially useful at night or in low light conditions, when the bright white background of web pages and browser interfaces can be annoying or uncomfortable for the eyes. Here are some key features and functions of "Dark Mode for Chrome": 1. **Dark Mode for Web Pages**: The plugin changes the color scheme of the web pages you open to become dark. This can reduce eye strain and make web browsing more comfortable in low light conditions. 2. **Dark Browser Interface**: In addition to web pages, the plugin also changes the colors of the Google Chrome interface, including the address bar, bookmarks bar, and menus. This creates a uniform dark style for the entire browser. 3. **Settings and Personalization**: "Dark Mode for Chrome" usually provides custom settings, allowing you to choose when and how to activate dark mode. You can turn it on by default, set up a schedule, or turn it on and off manually. 4. **Energy Saver and Reduce Eye Fatigue**: Dark Mode can help save power on laptops and monitors with OLED screens and reduce eye fatigue during prolonged computer use. 5. **Compatibility**: This plugin is generally compatible with most websites, but there may be some display issues on certain websites as they may use their own styles. Please note that "Dark Mode for Chrome" is a third party plugin and its functionality may vary depending on the developer. To install and configure this plugin, open the Chrome Web Store and search for the plugin name, then follow the installation and configuration instructions.

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  • Fecha de actualización
    11 de octubre de 2023
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