16 support issues
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Brach Burton
Nov 29, 2017
Is there any way I can customize the was that words are censored? I'd like to censor words while maintaining some legibility. For example, for the f word, I'd like to be able to set up the option for it to replace the f word with f*** so the censorship is relatively discreet, but also so I know which word is being used for context in the sentence that I am reading. This is kind of a specific request, but let me know if there is anything I can do. Thanks
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Rotem Haimov
Sep 23, 2017
cusomt words...
why not make option to be able for users to decide which words they want to be censored?
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Emily Miles
Apr 29, 2017
Emily Dickinson
Last names like Dickinson are blocked; the pull up from Wikipedia for Emily Dickinson looks like this:
"Emily Elizabeth @!$#@$@!@ was an American poet. @!$#@$@!@ was born in Amherst, Massachusetts. Although part of a prominent family with strong ties to its community, @!$#@$@!@ lived much of her life in reclusive isolation."
please fix, this is especially annoying on Facebook when neighborhood moms appear to have curse words for maiden names...
Also, I would appreciate a customizable whitelist as someone else requested.
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Mar 26, 2017
I was using this extension on Reddit. In the parent post, it said the f-word ending in -ing and it wasn't blocked at all. Does it not work on Reddit?
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Mar 14, 2017
Greetings, wondering if feature could be added to allow users to add websites to a whitelist section? For example, a Bible website I read has the word "prick" censored, even though it's in a safe context.
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Aaron Borges
Jan 21, 2017
will this cencor bad words in a youtube video?
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Lars Cade
Nov 22, 2016
Whitelist option
I'd like to be able to whitelist certain words. For example, there was another earthquake near Fukushima, Japan, but because "fuk" is blocked, it censors the name of the city.
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Ramazan Yuksel
Oct 2, 2016
Adding personal keywords
Hi, this extention is great. I'd be much more happier if i could add personal keywords, since my native language is not english. I also like to block other unwanted words than swears. An option to add keywords would be much appericated. Thank you for your great work. Wish you best, friend.
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Elil Irne
Aug 1, 2016
Lovely, however
Hi, I absolutely think this is a brilliant idea! No longer I have to see and block out sear words in my mind. I no longer have to repeat it.
However, I do wonder - I was browsing and seeing a word that was blocked because the word contained regular curse word in it (for example, if we block out letter abc, then the word qabc then become blocked, but qabc is not exactly a curse word only it contains the bad word "abc")- is there a way to make exception for users?
Thank you for creating this plugin.
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A Chrome Web Store user
May 23, 2016
More Words Need Censored
Can you make is censor the following words?
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