Imagen del logotipo del elemento para Coin Sentry

Coin Sentry


5 valoraciones

ExtensiónTrabajo y planificación143 usuarios
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Descripción general

Alertas en tiempo real para los cambios en los precios de las criptomonedas y del mercado de valores.

Coin Sentry helps you set alerts for Cryptocurrency, Stock Market, and Foreign Exchange prices for the instruments and symbols you love. Coin Sentry supports various exchanges and providers so the prices you see are timely, consistent, and reliable. Getting rich requires having access to the right information, taking smart decisions, and taking prompt actions. One of many ways to do these is investments. Coin Sentry notifies you whenever there is a price change in your investments so you can take smart decisions and prompt actions. Example; Imagine John Doe. John loves cryptocurrencies and has bought Bitcoin on his favourite exchange. Now, John wants to watch Bitcoin and get notified when the price of Bitcoin increases or decreases by 3% so he could take prompt investment decisions. So John uses Coin Sentry to set an alert for Bitcoin using his favourite exchange. While doing so, John specifies a target price to watch for Bitcoin. When Bitcoin price hits John's target, Coin Sentry alarm notifies John so he can take prompt decisions. With Coin Sentry, John never misses an opportunity to invest, buy a dip, long, or short his positions. After making almost 200% profit on his investments, thanks to Coin Sentry, John decides to diversify his investments, so he dabbles into the Stock Market. So John buys some stocks, and returns to Coin Sentry to set alerts for those stocks so he can be informed of price changes. Meanwhile, did we mention that John is already a FOREX trader? Oh! John has already created alerts on Coin Sentry for Foreign Exchange rates so he can be informed of exchange rate fluctuations. This enables John to take smart decisions in his trading journey. Never miss an opportunity to invest in Cryptocurrencies, Stock Market, and Foreign Exchange. Coin Sentry will notify you of price changes for your favourite instruments and symbols. Download and install Coin Sentry today.

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    24 de abril de 2021
  • Ofrecido por
    Anietie Asuquo
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    6 idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
    Este desarrollador no se ha identificado como operador. Los consumidores residentes en la Unión Europea deben tener en cuenta que los derechos de los consumidores no son aplicables a los contratos que suscriban con este desarrollador.


El desarrollador ha comunicado que no recogerá ni usará tus datos.

Este desarrollador declara que tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para fines no relacionados con la función principal del elemento.
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para determinar la situación crediticia ni para ofrecer préstamos.


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