Reload All Tabs
Reload All tabs using keyboard shortcut (alt + shift + r), context menu, browser action button, or startup.
If you want to remove the browser action button (top right), just right click and choose "Hide button". FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: SOURCE CODE: (GitHub) Ways to Reload All Tabs: - Right click, choose "Reload this window", you can add more options, read next section. - The Blue arrow Icon on the Extension Bar top right (Click on it) - Keyboard Shortcut: Alt+Shift+R (you need to initially set it manually) Add more Context Menus Configurable in Options (enable whatever you want): - Reload all tabs in current window - Reload all tabs in all windows - Reload only pinned or unpinned tabs in current window - Reload all tabs to the left or right - Reload tabs on startup - Allow clearing (bypass) cache while reload. - Close tabs to the left or right Modify the Keyboard Shortcut: - To make it even more secure, we removed all content script permissions, and used chrome commands instead. - Visit chrome://extensions/shortcuts in Chrome to update the combination to anything you want!
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- Version5.0.0
- Aktualisiert6. Mai 2021
- Größe24.38KiB
- SprachenEnglish
- EntwicklerWebsite
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