BLHeli - Configurator
148 оценок
Cross-platform configuration tool for BLHeli-based electronic speed controllers
You can now flash both SiLabs and Atmel BLHeli ESCs! Flight Controller passthrough is the only interface supported at the moment. Tired of not being able to configure your ESCs because BLHeliSuite only supports Windows? Don't feel like using Wine to run it on *nix or OS X? No more re-soldering wires to change motor direction, no more hassle! BLHeli - Configurator is the hero we all needed and deserved. Now you can configure all of your ESCs right from Chrome, as well as update their firmware. Source available at:
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- Версия1.1.0
- Обновлено22 декабря 2017 г.
- Автор:DieHertz
- Размер1.36MiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish
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