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SPOI Options

1.3K ratings

ExtensionEntertainment6,000 users

39 support issues

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Trudy Cash

Dec 5, 2016

can't see what it says too small

can'see letters too small

Antal M

Jan 21, 2016

URL bar button doesn't work.

Was awesome for the longest time, but now the URL bar button doesn't show the menu like it use to. Very annoying, and I'm looking for an alternative to SPOI Options unless it can be fixed.

Running the latest Chrome Stable

Jonathan Weeks

Nov 12, 2015

URL Bar Menu

When I click the Options icon in the URL bar the menu does not display correctly. At the moment, the top left of the window will display but nothing else. This is pretty serious for me as I change options very frequently.

St “大師” 鬧鬧

Sep 13, 2015

SPOI Options <<相關輔助去廣告

我電腦是w8 但是下載本城市完後無法使用@@?

Kouji Luigi (PGCX864)

May 16, 2015

Do not migrate to free from payment?

One of SPOI Options best extension.
And though was used when it was previously free, it was why the transition to $1.99 months pay now...?

Since the migration act to Payment is crap,
Irresponsible, I want you to move to FREE!

Berk Oglutas (Bozzmix)

Apr 7, 2015

Spoi No Voll Version ...Sorry...

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Tado Samardžić

Mar 8, 2015


Make a free version which wont have all options like full. Eg. Leave us video page and under Layout appearence; remove the rest (downloads,rss,moood,player controll,sites)

Max Drew

Jan 30, 2015

Free download video

Please provide the free download option.

Koda Koziol

Dec 13, 2014


In case you guys haven't noticed, not one rating on the first page ISN'T one star. Maybe you should fix that.

Keizer Soze

Nov 24, 2014

as you may have concluded...

...subscription based option for an app is dumb. i understand where you guys were going...but, nonetheless, it was a horrible move.

so? find the people who came up with this idea...DO NOT allow them to have any input any further...and get of your asses and come up with a better way to maintain quality app development.

this was a quality app that everyone wanted.

you ruined that. fix it, please and thank you.

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