Prezentare generală
A Minimalistic Material Dark theme that helps you focus at night and provide a clear, dark user interface.
-Designed to work with all version of Google Chrome on all platforms, resolutions including; Linux, Windows, MacOS. -A minimalistic Dark theme without harsh bright, light colours to keep you focused on your important tasks. -Has been tested on all platforms to make sure it looks, works the same. This theme was designed in mind of dark material colours to allow you to focus on the important tasks - even at night time. This is a personal theme that helped me have less distractions at night and wanted to share it with others - you may find it useful and more pleasing to your eyes, personality, preference. NOTE: This theme will ONLY provide dark colours on the primary Chrome navigation interface - it will NOT darken websites and/or Chrome Settings! Please feel free to provide feedback on the colours and overall theme. We are open to make changes if necessary and tweak it to be better for everyone.
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- Versiune1.01
- Data ultimei actualizări13 septembrie 2018
- Dimensiune4.09KiB
- LimbiEnglish
- DezvoltatorSite
contact.techusiast@gmail.com - Non-comerciantDezvoltatorul nu s-a identificat drept comerciant. Pentru consumatorii din Uniunea Europeană, reține că este posibil ca drepturile consumatorilor să nu se aplice contractelor încheiate între tine și acest dezvoltator.
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