Item logo image for Netify



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Бэд «Bad3P» Трип

Jul 17, 2024

license agreement


Could you please share license agreement for Netify.

Muhammad Aqeel Irshad

Apr 19, 2024

Not enabled for a long time.

Extension only works when I click listening and I get a debugger bar (Netify started debugging your browser.). Can I enable it as long as I want without that debugger bar?

Vlad Lavrik


Jul 13, 2024

Hello. In the next version that is currently under development, it will be possible to run netify in a popup through the extension icon, without opening devtools

Unfortunately, Google does not notify me of new comments in this section. For a more operative communication you can use a issue on github

Svetlana Trosko

Jul 18, 2022

Empty Netify tab

Hi Vlad!
I cannot see controls of the extension, since I have installed it on 17.07.2022
I updated Chome to the latest version and restarted it as well.
Still it's just an empty "Netify" tab in Dev tools.
Netify version 0.2.2
Env: Windows 10 Enterprise, Chrome Version 103.0.5060.114 (Official Build) (32-bit)

A Chrome Web Store user


Aug 3, 2022

HI! I had a similar report, but then I did not see a visible reason for it.
I need to see the console of the Netify tab. You can right-click on the Netify tab area to call up the context menu and select "Inspect". And send me a screenshot of the console, maybe there will be an error log.
If the browser does not allow you to call the inspector on the console tab, you can do it like this
Send screenshot and other details to this issue

I have also seen cases where other extensions were the cause, if you have them try to disable them.

Thank's for the report!

Bibi Ali

May 4, 2020

Status Code = 403 is not respected when using Local response

I am trying to fake a 403 error with my own response payload, I see netify returning the payload but not the status code 403. Instead it is returning either 200 (local response) or "Finished" when using (mutation)

Vlad Lavrik


Aug 18, 2020

I apologize for the long silence.
Unfortunately, Google does not notify me of new comments in this section. For a more operative communication you can use a issue on github
At the moment, I can't reproduce the the problem.
The technologies that Netify uses are not yet stable and Goggle often breaks something with the release of new versions of Chrome, sometimes it fixes what it broke) So probably your problem was introduced and corrected by the browser.
If this error is still relevant to you, please create an issue on github with a detailed description.
Thank you for your feedback )

Alex Medinsky

Apr 4, 2020


А есть документация по настройкам расширения?
Например, в поле Endpoint прддерживаются макросы, типа [query], но что конкретно там подставляется не понятно.
И можно ли допилить поддержку этих макросов в хедерах, типа:
Set headers: X-From: [query]

Vlad Lavrik


Aug 18, 2020

Прошу прощения за долгое молчание, к сожалению google никак не уведомляет о новых сообщениях в разделе "Поддержка".
Отдельной документации пока обещать не могу, так как есть очень много планов по фичам, которые пытаюсь реализовать в первую очередь.
На сейчас эти макросы распространяются только на поле "Endpoint".
Подобного рода комплексные обработки запроса (например как в вашем кейсе - возможностью добавить значение с query в header) тоже есть в планах. И поскольку я вижу запрос на такую фичу, обязательно займусь этим в будущем, после тех фич, которые сейчас в разработке.
Спасибо за обратную связь)

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