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Grayscale the Web - Save Sites


80 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning10,000 users

7 support issues

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Дмитрий Иванов

Nov 10, 2021

what command in the Windows 10

what command in the Windows 10 command line to make the site black and white?

زیندووبوونەوە Zindubunawa

Apr 12, 2021


Good joob thanks, one of the best extensions on net... I wish that you could add the feature of removing the effect on the images by putting a little icon on the images to remove the greyscale effect...

James Brindley

Feb 16, 2021

Exclusions only work for .com domains

Firstly, love the extension, amazing work!
Only issue is that I live in Australia, all of our domains here end in
If I exclude any Australian site, all Australian sites get excluded because the extension thinks I want to exclude "" rather than "".
Means I'm always manually turning the extension on and off for all tabs rather than being able to set it up properly. I'm sure other people in different countries would experience this problem, like "" sites etc.
Anyway, thanks again for your app. Amazing.

Elan Rosenfeld

Oct 3, 2020

Different color for visited links?

I like this plugin, the one thing I think is missing is some sort of indication of whether a link has been visited or not. Since the standard indicator is the blue vs. purple color which are similar in brightness, it's not possible with grayscale on. But ideally there'd be some indicator without having to turn off grayscale, even if it's something as simple as enabling color just for links on particular sites (I'd like to be able to tell from a quick glance which google search results or reddit links I've already visited).


Sean Klein

Jun 24, 2018

Open Source?

Would you consider releasing the source code for this chrome extension?

I really love the idea, but I'm not very excited about running closed-source Chrome extension.

Paulo Seabra

May 26, 2018

Don't block it outside US

You made a great tool! The best one out there to adjust human behaviour :)

But it doesn't work in any domain outside US.

Please consider GrayScale us all!

William Oliveira

May 24, 2018

two TLDs

exclude doesn't works for domains with two TLDs like, it thinks "com" is the domain and white-lists every

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