Manilla - Auto Login - Chrome веб-продавница
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Manilla - Auto Login

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Manilla Auto Login

Overview To use the Auto Login extension, you will need to have a Manilla account. Sign up at The Manilla Auto Login extension allows you to seamlessly access some linked accounts without entering a password, making it even faster and easier to manage all of your accounts. Once you've installed it, just click the "pay bill" or "go to site" button from an account page. The Auto Login extension is available for the Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari browsers. Mobile browsers such as iOS and Android are not supported. The extension must be installed separately for each browser and computer on which you use Manilla. Security Your login information is communicated securely to the Auto Login extension using AES 256-bit encryption (the strongest version of a standard endorsed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology). None of your information is stored in the Auto Login extension itself. The Auto Login extension is not recommended for use with public computers.

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  • Верзија
  • Ажурирано
    12. септембар 2013.
  • Величина
  • Језици
    47 језика
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