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ManicTime Url Tracker

14 ratings


6 support issues

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Jul 27, 2020

Vivaldi and other browsers, that mimic chrome

Hello. Would you kindly add extension setting like "Override useragent" to be able to force certain browser, that is impossible to detect automatically. Like Vivaldi since 2.10. Without that fix the extension reports wrong process name to ManicTime, like "{"ProcessName":"chrome","Title":"","Url":"","IsPrivate":false}" instead of "{"ProcessName":"vivaldi","Title":"","Url":"","IsPrivate":false}".

Maksim Kislyakov

Apr 5, 2020

Vivaldi browser

Hello. The extension doesn't work with Vivaldi browser. It says "Connected on port(s): 42870" but website data doesn't appear in ManicTime.
Vivaldi version: 2.11.1811.52
ManicTime version:

A Chrome Web Store user

Apr 23, 2018

Not working since Chrome v66

I used to be able to see the Chrome URL in ManicTime fine without this extension. Since updating to Chrome v66, URLs no longer appear in ManicTime, with or without this extension. The extension says it's connected on a port, but that doesn't seem to be making a difference to ManicTime. I have tried quitting and relaunching it.

I'm using ManicTime 4.0.15.


Jan 25, 2018

Vivaldi Browser Not Working

Vivaldi 1.13.1008.44 32 Bit
Windows 10
ManicTime Url Tracker 1.1.2
Even with ManicTime URL tracker installed, ManicTime Fails to log the url with the vivaldi browser.

Sven Knoch

Sep 27, 2017

Doesn't read Browser history

Well, the extension does not what is is supposed to do. Chrome shws in the apps timeline but not in the documents timeline. Any idea? Cheers - Sven

A Chrome Web Store user

Jan 15, 2017


Hello, do you know how can I track from Vivaldi browser to portable version?

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