Makes mailto: links open a Gmail™ compose window. Nothing more, nothing less.
This extension will make mailto: links open in a Gmail compose window. Nothing more, nothing less. * Supports Google Apps accounts * Works on javascript-inserted links * Includes option of working on bcc: fields It supports to, cc, subject, and body (and optionally bcc) fields, and is made to be compatible with RFC2368, the mailto: scheme standard. It doesn't modify the mailto:address itself, so you can still see the link in the status bar when you hover over it, which allows you to easily read the target at a glance. Please note, this extension doesn't need or provide any access to your mail account. It just makes links open in a Gmail account that you are already signed into. This extension can't help with mailto links outside of chrome. More info: RFC2368 - The mailto URL scheme: mailto links test page: Recent changes: * No longer need to refresh tabs on install, or after updating settings. * Updated code to avoid deprecation warnings, and warnings in console. Privacy policy: In short, this extension does not store or transmit any personal information. Read the privacy policy here:
- Versione3.0
- Ultimo aggiornamento:8 agosto 2024
- Elemento offerto daChris
- Dimensioni23.52KiB
- LingueEnglish (UK)
- Sviluppatore
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- Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
- Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
- Non vengono usati o trasferiti per stabilire l'affidabilità creditizia o per finalità di prestito.