Support: Mailto: for Gmail™
Item logo image for Mailto: for Gmail™

Mailto: for Gmail™


409 ratings

ExtensionSocial Networking90,000 users

91 support issues

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Kevin Hood

Apr 24, 2024

Console warning

[Deprecation] Listener added for a 'DOMNodeInserted' mutation event. This event type is deprecated, and will be removed from this browser very soon. Usage of this event listener will cause performance issues today, and represents a large risk of future site breakage. Consider using MutationObserver instead. See for more information.

Just wanted to drop this here, as a web dev I use the browser console constantly, and this plugin pops this warning.

Gary Barr

Dec 13, 2022

Google Workspace Server Error

I've used this for a long time and it worked great, but a couple months ago, I started getting this message:

Google Workspace - Server error

Help|Sign out
Server error
Sorry, you've reached a login page for a domain that isn't using Google Workspace. Please check the web address and try again. Learn more

My email IS a Google Workspace account, so I'm not sure why I am getting this.

Matias Wilkman

Mar 23, 2022

Not working with Vivaldi

Thanks for the extension - it has helped me a lot so far.
However, it no longer works in Vivaldi. This is more a Vivaldi issue than yours, since it's officially a Chrome extension, but maybe you can fix the Vivaldi compatibility on your side - it would be greatly appreciated.
For a description of the problem, see

Joseph Mezzo

Sep 21, 2021

Does not work

Instead I click on chrome icon for this apps I get send here:

Joseph Mezzo

Sep 21, 2021


when i click on Mailto, it sneds me here

Russ Palmeri

Sep 13, 2021


When I click on the M: icon, I get a dropdown menu. I does not open a gmail window!

Leni, Leon & die Luchse

Dec 22, 2020

zuviel Mails öffnen sich

bisher sind 2-3 Mails aufgegangen beim Klick auf die Emailadresse;
seit Heute sind es 7-10, könnt ihr das Problem beheben bzw assistieren bitte ?

Michael Scott

Sep 8, 2020

Are you still in business?

Mailto: for Gmail™ still work?
I don't see any answers to questions posted to you....such as "Why don't I see anything except a dropdown menu when I click on the Mailto icon in my taskbar?

JK Sinrod

May 29, 2020

I installed mailto

When I click it, I get a drop down menu instead of the gmail box?

Michael Pawelski

Feb 11, 2020

Icon Size

I love your extension and I'm using it with the new Edge Chromium browser. I just have one minor gripe. The icon look isn't the right size when next to the other extension icons. Could you make the "M" icon the same size as other extension icons? Right now the icon appears about half the size of all other extension icons.

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