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Luna Theme


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4.9 out of 5

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Vera SenecaApr 16, 2024

dear person below me kameron jackson you said that oct 11 two days before my b-day

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Kameron JacksonOct 11, 2023

I've been using this theme on Chrome for over a decade despite all the updates, changes, and iterations the browser has gone through in that time. My current monitor resolution is 1440p and it still works just as great as it did in 2011. I dread the day I will have to update to 4K because I know that's when I'll have to leave this theme behind for good, but until then, Luna will continue to watch over my browsing sessions just as she always has <3

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PowerforceoriginalJun 30, 2022

is great used it for years but not it does not fit in a 4k sized chrome. main image does fine but up in the tabs a line appears where the pattern starts to repeat for the website bar and tabs. id show a picture but this part of chrome is poorly designed. Art is great but only for use under 4k resolution.

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J POUPMar 31, 2021

Good but with an Ultra wide Screen the top picture where the favorites and the internet tabs are, is just duplicated so we got a distinct séparation between the two. May be fix if you manage to put the same colors at the 2 edges of the top pictures so they will fade.

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Darkness BladeJul 17, 2020

I love it. It's funny because Luna is best princess and the funniest, so that's why it shows up when you search for funny themes

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lilaclove heartJul 16, 2019

really pretty.

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Dan MurrayOct 18, 2018

Perfectly beautiful and simple.

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LuxRowOct 10, 2018

dark theme is always the best also luna hella edgy

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Rose SeleneJun 6, 2018

I like this theme a lot, but recently the buttons on the upper right have broken and are ridiculously large. I'll have to use something else for now :(

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annabel gramlingApr 12, 2018

It did not look like luna.It was okay.

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