Change Case
Multiple methods to change text case.
The set of advanced methods to change case of text, delivered as convenient extension for browser Google Chrome. Compatible with various elements of the website: input, textarea, editable content (popular text editors like TinyMCE). Included methods like correct grammatically title case, sentence case, upper case or lower case with addition of methods for programmers: camel case, pascal case and many more. Tip: no case reverts changes applied by other methods. Privacy Policy: Change Case extension does not handling any user sensitive or personal data. All content transformations are performed via algorithms on user's device without third parties. ______________________________________________ Changelog: 2.6.1 - ignore/correct list fix 2.6.0 - rewrite the entire source code 2.5.1 - fix method event listener - remove notifications permission 2.5.0 - upgrade to manifest v3 2.4.2 - fix options page shaking on auto scroll bars 2.4.1 - fix issues 2.4.0 - improve filters 2.3.0 - support native browser keyboard shortcuts 2.2.1 - improve title case: hyphens and unicode characters 2.2.0 - introduce operators - add correct list 2.1.5 - improve conversion between methods - allow to disable notifications - fix default values overwriting - fix ui problems 2.1.4 - sentence case handles multiple sentences and common abbreviations 2.1.3 - fix initialization problems 2.1.2 - preserve selection 2.1.1 - update notification 2.1.0 - buttons for managing shortcuts - proper English title case - fix initialization problems - minor optimization changes 2.0.1 - add 'no accents' case 2.0.0 - options page - blacklist words/phrases - keyboard shortcuts - major core changes 1.0.0 - basic methods - context menu
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- Versione2.6.1
- Ultimo aggiornamento:27 settembre 2024
- Dimensioni74.04KiB
- LingueEnglish
- SviluppatoreSito web
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- Non vengono venduti a terze parti, se non per i casi d'uso approvati.
- Non vengono usati o trasferiti per finalità non correlate alle funzionalità principali dell'elemento.
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