Bel Robotika
"RE ROBOTIKA" is a science fiction series that explores a world blending augmented reality (AR) with real life. In this futuristic…
"RE ROBOTIKA" is a science fiction series that explores a world blending augmented reality (AR) with real life. In this futuristic setting, characters use AR avatars to navigate their daily lives. The story follows a protagonist named Taiki, who partners with an advanced AI, "Lily," to tackle mysterious glitches called "Kiramon," which are manifestations of human psychological darkness. These glitches disturb the AR world and represent deeper societal issues, adding a layer of psychological exploration to the narrative
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- Version1.0
- UpdatedOctober 16, 2024
- Offered bycampbellw49785
- Size2.52MiB
- LanguagesEnglish
- Developer
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