نظرة عامة
Build a powerful army, show no mercy, and battle enemies for earth's last remaining resources in this massive real-time strategy…
Build a powerful army, show no mercy, and battle enemies for earth's last remaining resources in this massive real-time strategy game. Quotes: “…War Commander is very inviting to newcomers of the genre. Getting started with the game is quick and easy, and the quest system does a great job keeping you on track. “ – Gamezebo “...represents a growing commitment by KIXEYE to replicate a console-style experience online.“ - Gamezebo "War Commander Live Battles let you lay the smackdown in real-time.” –Games.com “The new Live Battles will allow players to respond instantly to attacks on their base, as well as make things more tense for those who go on the offensive and invade others home ground.” – Inside Social Games “People from all over the world have used War Commander’s easy to operate system to raid, invade, harass and wage war.." -Examiner “Without the big 3: Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft; KIXEYE has created an online experience that feels like a $50 game for free." –Examiner
4.0 من 5378 تقييمًا
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- الإصدار0.0.0.2
- تم التحديث25 أغسطس 2014
- الحجم13.62KiB
- اللغاتEnglish
- مطوّر برامج
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