Chrometana Pro - Redirect Cortana and Bing
Force Windows 10 and Cortana to use Google Chrome and your favorite search engine instead of Bing!
Now open source! Find this project on GitHub. Microsoft tries very hard to make us love and use their new browser, Edge, and their awful search engine Bing; going as far as to make it very difficult for Windows 10 and 11 users to use anything else. Turn the tide with Chrometana Pro, a chrome extension forcing Windows and Cortana to use Google Chrome and your favorite search engine instead of Edge and Bing. Pick between Google, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, and Baidu. Chrometana Pro also makes it very easy for you to add your own search engine and customize if Bing and/or Cortana requests will use your favorite search engine instead. Chrometana Pro came along to fill the gap left by the original Chrometana extension whose author has abandoned the project. Leave me feedback :D I'd love to know what you think ;) Changelog: v2.3 - Fixes to redirection blocking in edge and chrome v2.0 - Redesigned menu + renewed support for windows 10 and 11 with the wedge open-source edge deflector v1.7 - Snazzy new logo v1.6 - Fixed extension not redirecting from bing when chrome hasn't yet been opened v1.4/v1.5 - (No chrome update) Firefox "Foxtana Pro" releases v1.3 - Improved size of menu text v1.2 - Fixed search counter counting up too quickly v1.1 - Fixes to the install tutorial page v1.0 - Initial Version ☎ Contact me at ★★★★★ Rate this extension
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- Version2.3.0
- Uppdaterat18 januari 2023
- Storlek113KiB
- SpråkEnglish (United States)
- UtvecklareWebbplats
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