Imagem do logotipo de Red Black

Red Black


169 notas

TemaMinimalista9.000 usuários
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 2
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 1
Captura de tela da mídia 2

Visão geral

Flat Red on Black Theme.

The design of this theme revolves around the idea of simplicity combined with functionality. I wanted a theme that goes easy for the eyes at night and wanted one that shows character. This is the choice of just a simple 2 color theme - red and black. The color Red represents importance, prosperity, anger and power while Black represents power and mystery. The 2 colors combined brings together an entire realm of meanings that would be felt differently depending on the user. For me it means of the importance of spending my time wisely, the importance of my role in the World (being able to prove it) and remind myself that I have absolute Power and Freedom over my life. ====== This theme was created for my own personal use. I do enjoy it very much and really hope its the same for you guys! Cheers!

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  • Versão
  • Atualização
    20 de outubro de 2016
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  • Não negociante
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