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Todo Tab

41 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning3,000 users

11 support issues

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Stephen Misic

Nov 5, 2024

Help cleaning my browser

Hey I'm needing assistance with cleaning my browser as won't let me log into Facebook

Ashish Kumar

Oct 19, 2024



Sudipta B

Jul 10, 2020

Need reverse sorting on added items

Can you please add the ability to add newly added items to the bottom of the list instead of at the top? Else this is great

Aliaksei Kislou

Jun 8, 2020

Dark mode

Awesome extension, simple and clean. Would be great if it had dark mode as well.

Crys Nguyen

Aug 26, 2019

Backup feature?

Greetings to the folks behind Todo Tab,

First of all, loving the simplicity, compared to other over-bloated todo apps out there.

While I understand that your app is privacy-focused, so it does not store data anywhere online, but I’d like to ask if it’s possible to back up the data somewhere locally (e.g. Dropbox)? Quite unfortunately, last week the extension glitched and all my to-do items were wiped.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Shirley Fagan

Oct 24, 2018

want to compose a letter



Jun 18, 2018

Размещение рекламы в вашем расширении

Добрый день!
Я представляю рекламную сеть Actionteaser. Мы работаем с большим количеством браузерных расширений и предлагаем следующие варианты сотрудничества:
1.Создаем блок(и) по заданным Вами параметрам и размерам для размещения в Вашем расширении. Оплата за клики (переходы). CPM от 30 руб.
2.Передаем с помощью фида (JSON или XML) список объявлений с информацией: картинка, ссылка, заголовок, CTR, цена клика. Вы можете делать из этого списка выборку для показа в Вашем расширении (ресурсе).
Нас очень заинтересовало ваше расширение как рекламная площадка и хотелось бы пообщаться с Вами подробнее по поводу размещения рекламы и монетизации вашего трафика. Подскажите, пожалуйста, с кем я могу обсудить все детали нашего сотрудничества?
Заранее благодарен, с наилучшими пожеланиями | Best regards | Bien cordialement
Skype: siteup_actionteaser
Traffic Manager at Actionteaser

Nikita Sidorenko

Dec 13, 2017


Does it exist synchronization between different computers with one google/chrome account?

I use chrome at work and at home. Is it possible to make task at home and see it in work's chrome?

A Chrome Web Store user

Sep 28, 2017

Reordering tasks

It seem I can't reorder tasks, I would love to reorder them.

Seeying the one on top bigger as my current to do would rock too.


Russell Jamison

Sep 12, 2017

Highlight and Save

I don't know how easy this would be to implement, but the following would be a pretty nice feature to have.

The Google Keep extension allows you to highlight arbitrary text on the page and then either right-click and select add to keep, or clicking on the icon to the right of the URL bar to add the selected text to Keep.

If you did the same thing, it would allow someone like me to quickly highlight text in an email or other communication channel, and "todo it away", while staying in the flow of whatever I'm concentrating on at the moment.

I see ToDo lists as a way of accomplishing two things
a) It allows you to put off less important items until you're finished with what you're currently working on.
b) It provides a list for you to review everything you where suppose to do to make sure nothing gets left out.

I see this extension as accomplishing point b beautifully. You're constantly presented with what to do next each time you open the new tab page. Being able to quickly "to do away" highlighted text accomplishes point a, and would, in my opinion, make this the ultimate todo extension, by far.

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