Provides Chrome browser integration for the official LiveReload apps (Mac & Windows) and third-parties like guard-livereload and…
Provides Chrome browser integration for the official LiveReload apps (Mac & Windows) and third-parties like guard-livereload and yeoman. See livereload.com for details; visit feedback.livereload.com to get help and vote for new features.
毫无反应……2021/6/25,live server也不可以用……
Ci Er2021年6月7日
Chinese Food Delicious2020年3月11日
没有更新,打开sublime调视窗报错: {"apply_css_live": null, "apply_js_live": null, "apply_images_live": null, "command": "reload", "path": "test.html"} INFO:WebSocketClient:new client ('', 49331) INFO:WebSocketClient:new client ('', 49332) INFO:WebSocketClient:new client ('', 49333) INFO:WebSocketClient:new client ('', 49334) INFO:WebSocketClient:new client ('', 49335) INFO:WebSocketClient:new client ('', 49336) INFO:WebSocketClient:new client ('127.0.0... 顯示更多