LinkedIn标签检查器 - Chrome 应用商店



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This tool is designed to assist users in verifying the installation and functionality of the LinkedIn Insight Tags on their websites. The extension checks for the presence of the Insight Tag, helps troubleshoot issues related to the tag, and provides real-time analytics data to help users optimize their LinkedIn campaigns. The LinkedIn Insight Tag Helper is a useful tool for advertisers and marketers who use LinkedIn's advertising platform to track website activity and campaign performance. Key Features: >>Tag presence verification - The tool checks if the LinkedIn Insight Tag is installed correctly on your website. >>Easy troubleshooting - It helps troubleshoot common issues related to the Insight Tag, making it easy to identify and fix problems. >>User-friendly interface - The LinkedIn Insight Tag Helper has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use and understand. >>Simple setup process - The setup process is straightforward, and the tool can be installed in just a few clicks. What Is LinkedIn Insight Tags? The LinkedIn Insight Tag is a small snippet of JavaScript code that can be easily incorporated into your website, enabling you to gain comprehensive campaign reporting and access valuable information about your website visitors. With the Insight Tag, you can keep track of conversions, retarget your website visitors, and obtain further insights into how users engage with your ads. FAQs >> 1. How does the LinkedIn Tag Helper benefit advertisers and marketers? The Insight Tag Helper provides valuable insights and analytics data that help advertisers and marketers optimize their LinkedIn campaigns. >> 2. Can it be used with any website? The Insight Tag Helper is designed to be used with websites that have the LinkedIn Insight Tag installed. If the Insight Tag is not installed on your website, you will not be able to use the tool. >> 3. Is this a free tool? Yes, the LinkedIn Tag checker is a completely free tool.

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