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Link Checker


43 ratings


3.8 out of 5

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Edwin SAug 28, 2023 this is good for checking

1 person found this review to be unhelpful
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Anes Eko SetiawanNov 10, 2021

Great extension if its works fot me !!! and done

1 person found this review to be unhelpful
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宮澤光太朗Apr 28, 2016

Horriblly misleading indicator. This tool shows "All links ok." while it detects dead=404 links among the links.

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Vladimir ZmanovskyOct 26, 2015

Cooperation There is a proposal for cooperation with the service bookmarks, if you're interested -

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Olli MäntyrantaSep 9, 2015

this is fast and works nice... BUT BUT BUT is VERY DANGEROUS when working with content management systems when you have a logged session. As it actually sends the http request, it also fires the cms controls, if there are any on the page. In my case, using Liferay, it removed all portlets (articles) from the page by virtually 'clicking' thos little crosses which are meant to remove them.

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A Chrome Web Store userJan 25, 2015

Would have loved it but I need a link checker that marks anchor tags as a different color than green. For example, A href with value "#notvalid" shows up as green even though the link does not work. If you made it a different color (perhaps yellow) to indicate that it may be valid.

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Gerald HolzingerNov 15, 2014

realy good and very fast!

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A Chrome Web Store userOct 20, 2014

Clicking on the button has no effect. Tried various pages including a simple page with just some text and a link. Nothing.

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Michael HebertSep 16, 2013

Works for me. The popup is hard to see, though. Also, an option to make it check links every time for a list of sites would be useful.

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Ron DowningJul 2, 2013

Doesn't work at all and Options button is grayed out

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