صورة شعار "Numerics Calculator & Converter"

Numerics Calculator & Converter


‫1.9 ألف تقييمًا

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نظرة عامة

Powerful calculator and converter for Chrome. The easiest way to calculate. Works offline

Numerics Calculator is fast and very user-friendly application to make your calculations easier and faster. It is the leading solution on Chrome Web Store for variety of both simple and complex calculations. FEATURES: * Enjoy the application with powerful interface. Large input box shows your results in the same time, so you just minimize interruptions and focus on what needs to be performed instantaneously. * Keep history of your calculations. All your calculations will be stored in an editable history panel. Moreover, you can add comments to the results. * Works even if you are offline. Stores all your data (history, custom functions) to your browser's local storage. * Keypad. On/Off onscreen keypad. Use it when you are away from your keyboard. * Use all those missing common math functions. For instance, apply one of these famous functions - sin(x), cos(x), sqrt(x), etc. Or even use powerful function shortcuts like a^b, a!, #a, a%b. * Program yourself and achieve even better performance for an individual cases. If you like scripting, empower your Calculator with any custom functions and variables using JavaScript. Just click wrench icon to view or edit your functions. * Works Offline. Numerics.info is available while you are offline using latest HTML5 features. Stores all your data (history, custom functions) to your browser's local storage. * Use variety of numeration systems you need for any specific cases. Multiple numeration systems give you possibility to perform calculations in the ways you need it for certain cases. For instance, use 0xAAAAA for hexadecimal numbers and 0AAAAA for octal. You can also use dec(x), bin(x) and base(n, to, from). * Supports very large numbers * Do you want to enjoy calculator directly from your browser? Add a lightweight extension version - Numerics Calc Extension http://goo.gl/5RiUk * Converter. Convert values with powerful build-in converter. * Converter supports more than 160 currencies + Bitcoin! And displays last updated time. * Learn more about it's features at Numerics Wiki http://goo.gl/PYcig * Do you feel there is something important we are missing? Feel free to suggest. You are welcome to suggest features and we will try to implement them as soon as possible within next versions to come. SUGGEST MORE FEATURES HERE: http://calculator.uservoice.com/ * Thank you for your feedbacks and rates! You may also like our free loan and mortgage analytics tool - Loan Expert http://goo.gl/mBkVq *** We'd appreciate if you'd +1 and rate it with ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ! ***

‫4.4 من 5‫1.9 ألف تقييمًا

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  • الإصدار
  • تم التحديث
    6 يونيو 2014
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  • مطوّر برامج
    موقع إلكتروني
    البريد الإلكتروني
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