OKIOCAM Snapshot and Recorder
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OKIOCAM Snapshot and Recorder


9 valutazioni

EstensioneLavoro e pianificazione30.000 utenti
Screenshot 5 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 2 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 3 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 4 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 5 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 1 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 2 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 3 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 4 multimediale dell'elemento
Screenshot 5 multimediale dell'elemento


Use your webcam to take snapshots and videos and automatically upload them to Google Drive.

Take awesome snapshots and videos with OKIOCAM Snapshot and Recorder! Access your files from anywhere and on any device and easily use them with other Google cloud services such as Google Classroom, Docs, Slides, Sheets, and Forms. ★ Designed for education Snapshot and Recorder enables teachers to digitize their non-digital content for use in their lessons. Take snapshots of quizzes and worksheets or record video lessons and directly upload them to Google Classroom, enabling a quick and efficient workflow. ★ Google Drive and Google Classroom integration All snapshots and videos are automatically saved to your Google Drive account, guaranteeing that your files are secure and that you save a lot of time by not having to transfer and back up everything manually. Upload your snapshots and videos directly to Google Classroom and use them as supporting documents for an Answer, an Assignment, or a Question. ★ Live presentations Use Snapshot and Recorder to deliver presentations. Connect your computer to a projector and display the live feed of your USB camera to an audience. ★ Camera controls Take advantage of the in-built camera controls. The Zoom (up to 6x) slider can help you zoom in to get the perfect shot. The Rotate control can rotate the camera display clockwise and counterclockwise in increments of 90°. The handy Freeze button will immediately freeze the camera feed. Selfie Mode can reverse the camera feed to ensure that you aren’t viewing things backward. If you own an OKIOCAM, you can also take advantage of these impressive features: ★ Additional camera controls The Exposure slider lets you adjust your camera’s exposure settings on the fly. The One Button Auto Adjust feature will automatically correct your camera’s focus, exposure, and white balance settings to ensure that you get the very best shot. About OKIOCAM: With an adjustable arm, ultra-thin foldable base, and a 360-degree rotating camera supporting super high definition resolutions, OKIOCAM makes it easy for teachers and students to take photos or videos of all their non-digital work. Whether it’s math homework, drawings, arts and crafts, STEM/STEAM projects, or 3D objects, OKIOCAM enables you to transport the physical classroom into the digital realm. Use OKIOCAM with our ever-growing exciting library of apps and extensions including Snapshot and Recorder, Stop Motion, and Time-Lapse for the complete experience. Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Contact us at: https://support.okiolabs.com

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  • Versione
  • Ultimo aggiornamento:
    21 marzo 2023
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    5 lingue
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