Color Analyzer
Color Analyzer - website color checker.
Color Analyzer is a Chrome extension that identifies and displays the dominant colors on any website. With a single click on the extension icon, the popup shows the top three colors found on the page in RGB format, along with a visual representation. Additionally, the popup includes a "Donate" button that lets users support the developers via PayPal. Features Color Analyzer: Color Analysis on Websites: Extracts style information from all elements on the page. Identifies the three most frequently occurring colors (in RGB format). Displays the colors in a user-friendly interface. Easy to Use: Simply click on the extension icon to view the results. Support the Developers: A "Donate" Color Analyzer button allows users to conveniently contribute via PayPal.
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- Version1.0
- UpdatedDecember 29, 2024
- Offered bySolutions For People
- Size5.89KiB
- LanguagesEnglish (United States)
- Developer
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