Imagen del logotipo del elemento para Advanced Notepad

Advanced Notepad


101 valoraciones

ExtensiónTrabajo y planificación10.000 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)

Descripción general

Simple Notepad yet filled with rich features. Format text, create multiple notes, autosave, remote backup. Faster than ever.

Chrome Advanced Notepad is a simple yet powerful notepad filled with rich features. 1) Quick Notes Don't want to create a note to store temporary text? No worries, you can store the notes in Quick notes and erase them whenever you want to. 2) Multiple Notes You can create multiple notes. No need to worry about storage. 3) Auto Save No need of a Save button, Advanced Notepad stores the notes without you doing anything. It will store as and when you create a note or you start editing it. 4) Format Notes You can format your notes. Create unordered/ordered lists, make the text bold, underline, italic or strike it out. 5) Remote Backup Backup your notes on cloud and restore it on any computer. Powered by You could read more around privacy policy at --------- Change Log v2.2 - Increased base font size of notes - Increased size of the Notepad - Fixed Date/Time format issue on creating notes vs updating. - Delete now will request for confirmation before you delete a note. - Editor will now show the last active note as default opened when closed and opened next which will help you continue with your workflow with ease. - Fixed Cloud Backup feature for notes. - Highlight / Remove Highlight for text v2.1 - Fix backup v2.0 - Fixed a few bugs - Resized the window, now it's more bigger than earlier. - Longer file names, use a line break to decide the file name once you start typing in the notes. - Notepad will now show Created At & Updated At timestamps for the new notes created (Updated will show up for the older notes too). - Fonts are darker and more clearer. v1.5 - Backup Fix v1.3, v1.4 - Minor Fixes - Backup Fix v1.2 - Added formatting options [Increase font size, decrease font size, clear formatting] - Added Help info v1.1 - Set the note file name to default if no text found in the note. v1 - Initial Release

4,3 de 5101 valoraciones

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    19 de abril de 2024
  • Ofrecido por
    Mr. Alien
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
  • Desarrollador
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
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