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6 support issues

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Andrew Robertson

Jul 31, 2024

Not unmuting a previous audio tab.

I like the app and the options but it does not unmute a previous playing tab.
If listening to a music station in 1 tab, then go to another tab, i.e. You Tube, it pauses the music tab, which is great. If you close the You Tube tab, the previous playing music tab does not start playing again.
Is it possible to have the last audio playing tab start playing again if the current tab playing audio is closed?


Jun 29, 2022

여러기기 사용중 자동음소거 적용

노트북과 컴퓨터 동시에 크롬으로 UnMute를 이용중입니다.
둘이 동시 사용중 한쪽에서 자동음소거 모드를 키거나 끄면 다른 쪽에서도 자동음소거 모드가 켜지거나 꺼져서 문제입니다.
이 문제 좀 해결 바랍니다.

João Trindade

Mar 4, 2022

Cool extension but...

White list option pretty please?

Michael Stachowski

Jun 2, 2021

Auto Mute not working

In the newest version of Chrome 91.0.4472.77.
Auto Mute is not working correctly. It should mute everything but the current tab but it's not.
When you click on another tab the audio from the first tab is still playing.
The only way to mute the tab is to manually click on the unMute icon.

Monte Kuykendall

Dec 30, 2020

Cloud Sync

I was wondering if you could add a way to sync it to my Google account (as some other extensions enable me to do)? I really LOVE your extension by the way! GREAT JOB!!!

Jaroslaw Istok

Oct 4, 2019

incoming chats

I have an online Service for incoming chats and can't hear the sound.
I read that chrome unmuted tabs after a while but I want this tab always have a sound.
I tried with this plugin but seems nothing to change...

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