6 support issues

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Sebastian Mayer

Aug 28, 2018

funktioniert nicht mehr

Meine Leo-Extension funktioniert nicht mehr. Vor ca einem halben Jahr musste ich 2 bis 3x klicken, bis das Fenster aufging, aber mittlerweile geht das Uebersetzer-Fenster gar nicht mehr auf...

Ich glaube nicht, dass es an der Geschindigkeit meines MacBooks liegt oder fehlendem Speicherplatz (MacBook Pro 2014, voller Ram)

Gibt es irgendeine Loesung zu diesem Problem?


Uwe Schmitt

Jul 15, 2017

Works !

First thought the extension does not work. Discovered that my reststriction to German<->English only was the reason. Adding French to the list also made the German<->English translation working :)

Uwe Schmitt

Jul 15, 2017

Does not work with current Chrome version ?

Does not work with my Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 on Mac OS X.

Nico Hofeditz

May 1, 2017

Seems deactivated

The Leo-icon is greyed out in chrome.
Any way to get this great app working again?

Ludwing Bejar Alagon

Jan 20, 2017


Es erschien kein wort


Sep 28, 2014

Bug: single language option context menu not working

When I remove all search options of your extension but one (English <-> German), then the context menu changes to this option alone, which is fine. But when I click it, dict.leo.org doesn't open at all. When there's at least two language options selected, the context menu contains a sub-menu, which works as expected.
Please fix the single language option context menu function. I'd prefer not to need the sub-menu, because it adds a redundant extra step, which slows down ones workflow.

Thank you for your work!

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