87 vurderinger
The perfect distraction-free text-editor. Tell your stories.
WordFlow is the best possible text editor you can buy. It's beautiful, it's simple, and it just works. Plus it's fast. Lightning fast. Tell the world your stories. Includes the classic WordFlow features you'll know and love • Clean, distraction-free look and feel • Auto-saves with every keystroke • Save your text as a .txt or .md file • Load your text from a .txt or .md file • Works offline and with the cloud: Save your files to a cloud program on your computer, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive. Or just save to your local folders. • Keyboard shortcuts. Saving, loading and printing is faster than ever! • Night-mode! Glow in the dark with WordFlow. Just don't let the bed bugs bite. • New fluid width option. No matter how big your screen is, WordFlow will fit to it. • Markdown file output. WordFlow is great for essays, for long-form blog posts, emails to friends, sorting out your thoughts or writing that next big best seller. And it starts in less than a second, ready for you to write whatever you want. Never forget what you were going to write again.
4,3 av 587 vurderinger
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- Versjon3.1
- Oppdatert26. januar 2025
- Levert avmarino.io
- Størrelse186KiB
- SpråkEnglish
- Utvikler
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