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Alichrome - Free Invoice generator


124 ratings

ExtensionShopping30,000 users

27 support issues

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Geoffrey Dauchez

Oct 2, 2023

Error generating invoice

I'm trying to generate an invoice but when I enter in the order details and click on "download PDF invoice", it doesn't download anything and just opens a pop up saying "Estimated delivery time is provided by the seller or delivery company" and the file is not downloaded.

Hope you can solve the problem

Alessandro Barcelos Pancote

Sep 12, 2023

Erro ao gerar invoice

estou tentando gerar uma invoice, mas ao entrar nos detalhes e clicar em download invoice pdf, ele não baixa nada e somente abre um popup dizendo que o prazo de envio é responsabilidade do vendedor e nao faz o download do arquivo pdf.

פרידה יצחק

Aug 6, 2023

אני פרידה יצחקבייב

צריכה שתשלחו חשבונית להזמנה שלעי מספר RS0724772196Y

ZOIC PalaeoTech Ltd

Jul 8, 2023

VAT number not shown

Hi, the vat number of the seller is not shown on the invoice. I need to use it for tax return so it is legally required that the vat number is on there.

Edouard M

May 8, 2023

Error message

hello I have always been able to download invoices, now suddenly comes this error message: Invoice generation log Could not scrape partial discount Can you help

Lubos Nouzak

Apr 24, 2023

Please fix this, otherwise its not possilbe to use it.

"Invoice generation log Could not scrape partial discount."

anthony simon

Apr 24, 2023

Invoice issues

it seems this extension doesnt work now, it work well in the past!
message: Invoice generation log Could not scrape partial discount.

Can you check it?
best regards

harald brietz

Apr 22, 2023


ich habe ihre aus versehen die rechnung mit den kontendaten gelöscht
bitte senden sie mir diese zu

Amélie 29380

Apr 21, 2023

Problem invoice

Hello, this error message suddenly appears: Invoice generation log Could not scrape partial discount Can you help me?

Ahmet Halatci

Apr 20, 2023


hello I have always been able to download invoices, now suddenly comes this error message: Invoice generation log
Could not scrape partial discount

Can you help

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