Item logo image for imgur Uploader

imgur Uploader


145 ratings

ExtensionArt & Design20,000 users

42 support issues

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Christopher P

May 23, 2023

White Image Capture

when trying to upload captures from some sites? I presume it's intentional, or a side effect of some data protection mechanism. Is there a way to bypass it? Thanks!


Jun 3, 2022

Not Working

Does not authorize properly with imgur.

after rehost, image does not appear in album

Saghan Xero

Sep 8, 2021


When I click the option for uploading to albums, the options it gives me for "albums to be available in dropdown menu" is literally just a list of every recent post I've made, and no actual albums.


Aug 16, 2021

Rehosting png images

Hi there, it appears as if that PNG images become .jpeg images and no longer maintain the transparent background when rehosting them. How can I fix this?

Thank you so much for your time!


Aug 16, 2021

Rehosting png images

Hi there, it appears as if that PNG images become .jpeg images and no longer maintain the transparent background when rehosting them. How can I fix this?

Thank you so much for your time!


Aug 16, 2021

Rehosting png images

Hi there, it appears as if that PNG images become .jpeg images and no longer maintain the transparent background when rehosting them. How can I fix this?

Thank you so much for your time!

Jay Howard

Dec 18, 2020

Capture area is not accurate

The image captured on many, but not all, pages is significantly off from the area I select.

Egor Ryabkov

Dec 17, 2020

Can't chose what album to upload image to

I connected my Imgur account to this extension, it picked up my albums and displays them properly on the settings page, but when I try to save image, it doesn't ask where to save it, and puts it in "Images without albums".
Any way to enable it?

And thanks for your work! Just installed your extension, (other than this issue) works great so far!

Brandon Adams

Oct 2, 2019

Capture entire page

Currently the only option when right-clicking on a non-image is "capture area" with the selection tool. The William Parry / Metronomik extension had "capture page", which would automatically scroll the page and capture one big long screenshot of everything. I used that function a lot and would love to see it here too.


Aug 21, 2019

Saves an empty file

Doesn't work in version Chrome 78

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