UPDATED 2022-12-15 Optimized For Google Chrome in the above display size with the start menu in auto hide mode. Please note: The…
UPDATED 2022-12-15 Optimized For Google Chrome in the above display size with the start menu in auto hide mode. Please note: The theme will not be fully displayed or be inline on screens smaller or larger than the above size. Recent changes? My theme just changed to a new look and I am not a fan of it. What can I do? You can go to my site and using the form on the "Contact/help" page you can request a 'One off'. Simply mention that you do not like the new change and would like the old adding as a One off. Ow please do remember to add the name and number of the theme so i know which you are referring too. Requests: Please use the blue "Website" link on the right to navigate to my site. Then use the form on the "Contact/help" page to request a new anime or to report a problem with the theme. Contact link:
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- Wersja11.0
- Zaktualizowano6 marca 2023
- Rozmiar12.52MiB
- JęzykiEnglish (UK)
- DeweloperWitryna
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