Item logo image for TinyURL



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15 support issues

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Kali Bosworth

Sep 10, 2023

TinyURL not working

Hey! My TinyURL plug-in is no longer producing TinyURL links. It opens a blank and empty box. How can this be fixed?

luke smith

Jul 22, 2023

Tiny url generated with white text.


I just downloaded this extension, but the text is generated as white with a black background. This means that when I copy to a google docs, I cannot see the text and need to change it to black.

Should be a relatively easy fix, but I am struggling for whatever reason. Please let me know what might help.


Luke Smith

Hani Eskandari

Jan 25, 2021


Why would this extension require access to the entire browsing history? Can it not achieve url shortenning by calling the tinyURL api without needing to know your browser history?

Carsten Schäfer

Aug 26, 2020

Link formatting when copied via clipboard

While I can ignore pasting-formatting of the tiny URL link gotten from extension, it is annoying and I personally see no point, why any formatting instruction is carried across. The formatting breaks any bullet or existing formatting in the target editors (Outlook, WordPress, etc.).
Please make the link raw formatted, without any styling so it adheres to the target editor styles without any line breaks, when copied in clipboard.

J Gill

May 11, 2020

Tiny URL

Like others have said, I click on the extension and get a page not available symbol. Seems that no one is addressing this issue, I'll wait a couple of days and if no response I'll remove the ext. and use another.

Ian Wardell

Apr 27, 2020

Brave (Chrome Based) Iframe failure

I'm not sure if you are already aware but it appears chrome based browsers are blocking your iframe method. This is either due to tinyurl blocking off-site iframes or the browser itself. The error is" popup.html:1 Refused to display '' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. "
I believe that using iframe Target _parent might fix this, or by using the JS const response = new Response(); method and just grabbing the text.

I couldn't find a forkable github to make an issue or fix this with or I would have tried that. Best,

Brendan Sturm

Apr 25, 2020

Stopped working

After years of working, it broke yesterday. When I click the extension to obtain a short url, it just shows a gray image with the broken square face. Please fix!

J Gill

May 8, 2020

I have exactly the same issue. Is this only a place to vent or is there someone monitoring to resolve these issues?

Mrs. Mattis

May 4, 2020

I am having the same issue and really hope for a fix, I use this extension almost daily.

Richard Rogers

Apr 27, 2020

I'm having the exact same experience today, April 27, 2020.

Lori McCool

Apr 27, 2020

Having the same issue this morning. I guess it's time to find a new extension, sadly.

Thierry Viéville

Apr 25, 2020

Hi Ed Robinson, thanks for this nice extension, \n i gonna have since a few hours, the same problem as Brendan Sturm, \n i also experiment the same problem with the google-chrome standard print function which is endless waiting at the "Loading preview" step (disabled using "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable --disable-print-preview"), \n i am using Google Chrome 81.0.4044.122 on Linux 4.16.11-100.fc26.x86_64 fedora \n when starting i got the "11015:11015:0425/] XXX Init()" error \n when clicking on TinyURL icon i got the "Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null)" error \n i can further investigate if it helps but need advises \n Best regards

Marco Righi

Jan 7, 2019

Extension and account

Hi, I have a free account with TinyURL, can I add the links calculated by this extension to my TinyURL account?

Sylwia S

Aug 6, 2018


Would it be possible to add a function of changing the default font in which link is copied? Currently it's TNR size 10

21ct Beratung. Kommunikation. Design.

Mar 7, 2017


Is there a possibity to check the amounts or sources of TURL-Klicks after I sent it? I heard that there is sth. like that out there...
Thanks anyway. Alex

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