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MMI I2024年10月1日
Dou YL2024年5月30日
很棒! 每天都能看到不同的世界
ayanami REI2023年10月15日
尝试过很多支持RSS的新标签扩展,这款是最后符合个人需求的,简洁漂亮,支持自定义小插件。但也存在一些需要改善的问题,比如名人名言插件缺少本地化支持,链接插件缺少自动换行等。 I have tried many new tag extensions that support RSS, and this one is the last one that meets my personal needs. It is simple and beautiful, and supports custom widgets. But there are also some problems that need to be improved, such as the lack of localization support for the quotes plugin, and the lack of word wrapping for the link plugin.
Bojiang Zhang (paopao)2021年11月7日
好用也特别喜欢,满满的设计感,自由度很高的排列组合,功能丰富的小组件。 但是无法自动同步有些遗憾。公司和家里两台电脑,在公司做了改变后回家不能显示,虽然有设置文件导入导出,但每天都得导入导出四次实在过于繁琐。希望下一次更新会有云端储存功能,或者跟随Google账号一起同步。谢谢 Good to use and especially like, full of design, a high degree of freedom of permutation, feature-rich widgets. However, it is a pity that it cannot be automatically synchronized. I have two computers in the company and at home, after making changes in the company can not be displayed at home, although there are settings for file import and export, but e... 展开
慕名而来 试一试效果