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Miniature de la vidéo de l'article
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Boost your LinkedIn posts and articles with real likes.

LINKED BOOST automatically boosts your Linkedin posts to 10x your normal audience reach. -> Boost your brand awareness, and fuel virality on LinkedIn - whenever a user Likes, or Comments on a LinkedIn post it will automatically share with their network too! -> LINKED BOOST allows you to join groups, related to your industry such as Software, Recruitment, Growth Marketing, Social Media, Startups and hundreds more, so that you are always receiving likes from targeted & relevant profiles in your niche. -> Instantly boost Likes, Comments, Impressions and Shares with LINKED BOOST! Want to see the results for yourself? Boost your first post 100% free! WHO IS LINKED BOOST FOR? Anyone can use LINKED BOOST to help them promote their posts automatically on Linkedin. Simply join a group relevant to your topic (for example 'Marketing USA' for posts about marketing with a US focus) and submit your post. You'll automatically receive engagement and likes from other people in the group. HOW DOES LINKED BOOST WORK? 1) Install the extension with 1-click (top right). 2) You must be launch, log in and then click on the extension in your browser. 3) Join your first group or create your own one and invite others to it. A great group to get started with is the Growth Hackers group code #5654D. We have live support 24/7 in the extension. You can also watch our how to video attached above to get a quick tour of everything! HOW WILL LINKED BOOST BENEFIT YOU? Boost your brand awareness, and fuel virality on LinkedIn - whenever a user Likes, or Comments on a LinkedIn post it will automatically share with their network too!

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  • Version
  • Dernière mise à jour
    27 avril 2020
  • Proposé par
    Linked Boost Ltd
  • Taille
  • Langues
    English (UK)
  • Développeur
    Linked Boost Ltd
    Linked Boost Ltd 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU United Kingdom
  • Non-professionnel
    Ce développeur ne s'est pas identifié comme professionnel. Pour les consommateurs de l'Union européenne, veuillez noter qu'il est possible que les droits des consommateurs ne s'appliquent pas aux contrats entre vous et ce développeur.


Le développeur n'a pas fourni d'informations sur la collecte ni sur l'utilisation de vos données. Pour en savoir plus, consultez les Règles de confidentialité du développeur.


Pour obtenir de l'aide concernant des questions, des suggestions ou des problèmes, consultez le site d'assistance du développeur.

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