Play music from your Google Drive
Unlock Google Drive's Potential For Music. DriveTunes allows you to play mp3 and m4a audio files right from Google Drive. Queue and listen to music in Drive, rather than just previewing it. Additional features include: - Search through all songs on your Drive - Randomly select songs with shuffle - Order songs by title or number of plays - Play songs from specific folders The next version of Drivetunes will support Ogg and FLAC! It is unlikely that we will be able to support WMA due to its proprietary nature. Report a problem, ask a question or give a suggestion on the reviews tab under "Need to report a problem?"
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- Версия3.3.5
- Обновлено15 сентября 2017 г.
- Размер47.87KiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish
- РазработчикMAX FERGUSONСайт
200 Gloucester St Unit 9 Christchurch 8011 NZЭлектронная почта
+64 27 721 6607 - ПродавецЭтот разработчик заявил, что является продавцом согласно определению Европейского Союза.
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