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Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 3
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 4
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Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 2
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 3
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 4
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 1
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 2
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 1
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 2
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 3
Vienuma multivides ekrānuzņēmums: 4


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Paint on Web - provides the following easy to use drawing tools that let you draw on every webpage. Paint on Web significantly extends operating with a Chrome browser with multifunctional tools. Our new quality product is a paint tool - to draw online. If you love to draw, then this is just a godsend for you! This extension will provide you with the ability to draw while using the sites. You can simply read the article and underline the information you need and then make a screen. This way you will not forget the information you need. The paint tool has collected in itself many different colors with which you can paint, a screenshot is also arranged. Screenshots are instantly saved on your device. Indeed, it is very convenient. Namely, for our users, we have collected in the paint on web tool many useful and necessary functions that will facilitate your robot. Install our extension and start using it. You could easily highlight lines or areas on pages, add notes and recommendations, web paint, draw pictures, add figures. You only need to save the screenshot you created when you're finished. Paint online is a free web paint style painting platform that enables users to draw/ paint free style painting directly from their computer. Web paint online could be extremely useful for kids/ adults that are taking their first steps with computers and learning how to control the mouse, but not just for that. Let your inner painter draw cool paints without wasting any paper. Paint on Web is user friendly and you could get started painting in a second. If you’d like to learn how to paint, Paint Something might be the best thing that happened to you. You can choose custom colors and different line sizes!! You can also save your drawing or print it. Paint Online is a powerful and versatile paint tool that allows you to draw online with ease. It is a top-notch web paint application that runs as a Chrome extension, offering a user-friendly interface and a range of features that make it ideal for creating digital artwork. With Paint Online, you can choose from a variety of brushes, colors, and painting modes to bring your imagination to life. This paint tool supports layers, undo and redo options, and transparency settings, allowing you to create complex and intricate designs. Whether you're a professional artist or just starting, Paint Online is a great way to get your creative juices flowing. The tool allows you to adjust the size and opacity of your brushes, use advanced features such as gradient fills, smudging, and blending, and save and export your creations in various file formats. With its intuitive interface, Paint Online makes it easy to draw online, create stunning artwork, and express your ideas. It is also highly customizable, allowing you to personalize the interface to suit your needs. Paint Online is a top-notch web paint application and paint tool that provides a comprehensive set of features to help you create digital artwork with ease. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting, this Chrome extension has everything you need to create stunning designs and express your creativity. Paint on Web (web paint) provides you next features: ✏️ Pencil tool - draw custom lines 🌈 Color picker tool - choose color webpage to use in your paint 🔤 Text - add annotation ➖ Straight line - put start and end point to paint straight line ➰ Curve line - set start and end point move mouse to set curvature 🔝 Arrow line - paints as straight line, difference in arrow on the end 〰 Custom shape tool - same as curve line with double curvatures ⭕ Circle shape tool - draw round shapes circle ovals and others 🔲 Square shape tool - create rectangles and squares ↖️ Cursor tool - switch of paint tools , to scroll up or down webpage 🧼 Eraser tool - remove unnecessary parts on the screen 🎨Paint bucket - fill shapes and drawn with any color from palette Web Painting features: ▶ Picking a transparent color or setting different brush sizes in a couple of clicks. ▶ Setting to create fast hotkeys for the option you are using the most. ▶ Autosave of process for each web paint page ▶ Screenshot maker allows saving result in PNG or JPG ▶ Crop tool to catch only a certain part of the image you need. and much more With Chrome paint extension, users can unleash their creativity and personalize their web pages to match their preferences and style. Here is another unique option – set your own shortcuts for all the web paint features. Isn’t that useful? So don’t hesitate, install this addon and you won’t be disappointed. Paint on web in a simple manner and without any difficulties. Draw online with our new and absolutely free extension for chrome browser. Our Audience is chanting: Webpaint web paint Webpaint web paint Webpaint web paint Webpaint web paint! This is how they love this Paint Online! Paint online are good for: Customization: personalization, modification, adjustment, adaptation, tailoring Colors: hues, shades, tints, pigments, palettes, chromatics Visual effects: graphics, animation, special effects, imagery, visuals, design elements Web design: website design, layout, interface, user experience (UX), user interface (UI) Graphics: images, illustrations, icons, logos, symbols, charts Text: typography, font, wording, copy, content, writing Backgrounds: backdrop, wallpaper, canvas, surface, scenery, setting Patterns: designs, motifs, textures, prints, decorations, ornamentation Gradients: color blends, shading, fades, transitions, ombre, color spectrum Borders: frames, edges, outlines, perimeters, boundaries, trims Shadows: shading, highlights, silhouettes, contrast, depth, dimension User interface: UI, interface, dashboard, control panel, workspace, user controls Personalization: customization, individualization, adaptation, tailoring, unique user experience Creativity: innovation, imagination, ingenuity, originality, inspiration Productivity: efficiency, performance, output, work rate, accomplishment, effectiveness Google Chrome: Chrome browser, Chrome web browser, Chrome software Note! Extension is Not working on system Chrome webpages like //settings //history Etc. Our product is absolutely free. Page reload is required after install, for proper work. Add web paint something to your chrome NOW!! And start paint in seconds!

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    2023. gada 28. marts
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    Valodu skaits: 54
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