YouTube Lyrics
24 valoraciones
)Descripción general
Get lyrics for any music video on YouTube.
Tired of looking for lyrics on the comment section? Get synced lyrics right next to the video player on YouTube. ⚠️ THE EXTENSION NO LONGER WORKS FOR FREE SPOTIFY USERS!!! ⚠️ You must be logged into a Spotify Premium account for the extension to work; ⚠️ After installing and making sure you are logged into Spotify, you must refresh any YouTube video page before using the extension. 🧰 Features: • Fixed button on the top right corner of the page to bring up the lyrics overlay; • Hide the overlay at any point by clicking the close button (X), the lyrics will stay in sync if you bring them up again; • Resize the overlay from handle at the bottom right corner; • Move the overlay by dragging its header; • Advance or delay the lyrics if they are out of sync by setting their offset; • Enable or disable the auto-scrolling feature with a single click; • Click on a line to jump to it on the video; • Search for the correct track in a matter of seconds if the extension chose the wrong one; • Lyrics and offset for a video are saved and persist refreshes. 💭 If you have any suggestions on how to improve the extension, leave a review. 🔄 Changelog: • 0.3.3: • Fixed readability issues. • Fixed pill not showing up when the user navigates directly to a video page.
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- Versión0.3.3
- Actualizado15 de mayo de 2024
- Ofrecido porLucas Araújo
- Tamaño165KiB
- IdiomasEnglish (United States)
- Desarrollador
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